All our products are made with chemically treated bamboo

Bamboo is prone to bugs. So are untreated bamboo crafts. We chemically treat all our raw bamboo thoroughly so that our crafts are not only pleasing to the eye but also durable and bug free. I will write more about the quality process as we go.

Some of our products

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Registration with Inbar

Bamboopecker Lifestyle Crafts Pvt. Ltd. got affiliation with Inbar (International Network for Bamboo and Rattan).

This is a significant step in the young company's journey.

bamboo bangalore, bangalore bamboo, bangalore cane, bamboo furniture bangalore, bamboo furniture bangalore city, cane furniture bangalore, bamboo boutique bangalore, bamboopecker bangalore, bamboo initiatives bangalore, bamboo creativity bangalore, bamboo crafts bangalore, bamboo screens bangalore, bamboo construction bangalore, bamboo poles bangalore, bamboo units bangalore, bamboo furniture bangalore, bamboo designs bangalore

Showroom in Domlur, Bangalore, India

Our first show room is getting ready at Domlur. Designed to use bamboo as the major product the showroom is aesthetically designed. I am learning a lot in the process.

bamboo bangalore, bangalore bamboo, bangalore cane, bamboo furniture bangalore, bamboo furniture bangalore city, cane furniture bangalore, bamboo boutique bangalore, bamboopecker bangalore, bamboo initiatives bangalore, bamboo creativity bangalore, bamboo crafts bangalore, bamboo screens bangalore, bamboo construction bangalore, bamboo poles bangalore, bamboo units bangalore, bamboo furniture bangalore, bamboo designs bangalore